Dye Scouts Presents......



Jess has earned the Clothes Make the Fan badge with the following work:

A T-Shirt for JABB Members:

It is a longer sleeved shirt. On the front of the shirt: on the left arm you insert the JABB members name on the right arm in huge block letters it states JABB. on the main part of the shirt there is a bat quite similar to Pandora's box one which sits diagonal from the right shoulder down to the bottom of the shirt. Coming from the left diagonal is the chain from a pocket watch going directly to the bottom of the shirt where you find the watch. At the bottom of the shirt in bold letters it states Loving Angel Boy!!

On the back of the shirt it states the same things on the arms except they are backwards. On the top of the main part of the back of the shirt is JABB's official logo with the bucket and everything and then on the bottom of the back of the shirt it states Helping Others.

You can get this shirt in yellow, green, blue or standard white. I thought it was a pretty cool shirt!!!:)

hereto see Jess' drawing of the shirt.


Jess has earned the Animals badge with the following work:

A poem comparing Andrew to an animal using either similes or metaphors:

Andrew is like a wolf.
Quiet and calm.
he is brave and powerful.
There for anyone in need.

Andrew is like a wolf.
Independent and free.
He believes with his entire self.
Without doubt, he stands strong.

Andrew is like a wolf.
Appearing to lurk or scare.
Instead, he is there for others.
A protector, meaning no harm.


Jess has earned the Career badge with the following work:

Andrew's wardrobe for two assignments:

A Late Night Talk Show Host

Picture this: Andrew season 3 hair (nice, long waves). Sharp pinstriped suit (navy), with a blue blouse and a black tie. And nice shiny shoes to finish it off.

A top secret government agent.

Andrew's hair from season 9 when it is just growing back to it's longer form. He has a nice black suit with shiny black shoes to match. Black sunglasses just like he wore in the Hollywood episode. A beautiful black hat, preferably one worn in an episode I cannot remember with the little boy hidden under the bed. And you cannot forget the stern look he portrays everyday with his pocket wtach worn (that is very important component).

Page Four of Jess' Badges

Dye Scouts Homepage

(Photo Credits: The photographs used to make the badges are from "Touched by an Angel" or its promotional photographs and owned by CBS Productions, Caroline Productions, and Moon Water Productions.  They are not being used to seek profit.)